we have come a long way...

December 11, 2012, 1:21 am by 吳迪

less than two days until the final!!!

it saddens me that this time next week....i wont be seeing the girls...=(

we all have been through so much in the last little bit. beautiful memories, fantastic laughs, and touching moments. I will certianly never ever EVER forget this experience.

definatly been a chanelleging journey...I've learned the only way to get further is to push harder.

I have learned so much about myself, my weaknesses, my strengths...I have made myself a better woman.

(this photos is from Day 1 to NOW! )


Everyone is Super excited for Wednesday!!  I cant wait, I have the best Parents in the world!!


Now its my bed time...put on a mask everynight before show day...


side note: its becoming FREEZING cold outside!!! please please be careful and dress warm!

Happy early holidays!!!


#1 Live life to its fullest

December 3, 2012, 12:47 am by 吳迪

Just a little bit information about me.

I am Diana Wu, Chinese name 吴迪, I am 24. I Graduated Emily Carr University of art and design, with a BFA.

I love to design and illustrate, it is a wonderful feeling, being able to see my ideas dropped down infront of me for everyone to see. Now that we are nearing the end of this wonderful journey, I am amazed at my accomplishments. I have redesigned myself to be the best that I can be, not just for the final show day, but for the rest of my life.

I love to be active, durring the summer and winter. Vancouver is a beautiful place to live, in the summer I love to Rollerblade down the seawall...just me and my ipod, skating down along the ocean. If I am tired I am able to rest along the beaches.


Another thing about Vancouver, that I also ADORE is that there are about a Million different trails that you can find for a run or light jog.

If you want a Challenge you can also go on hikes. vancouver is just a Treasure chest of adventures. =]

This past summer, I wanted to challenge myself, so I packed up my bags and decided to climb 黄山, this place, if you havent been to, it IS a must. This place is heaven on earth,

--------- That is all for today =]

Oh!!! and you cant forget about the Winter sports here!

my dream is to see the world, you only live once, live life to its fullest.

Good Night!

Diana =]



Workout till you cant workout no more!

November 30, 2012, 3:44 pm by 吳迪


heres my new Video Blog!

ALMOST SHOW DAY! everyone stay well hydrated and rest up !!!

" A mask a day keeps the wrinkles away " =D

Good Night!!

Christmas came early for us Ladies =] #1

November 30, 2012, 1:14 am by 吳迪

its FREEZING OUTSIDE! i hope everyone is keeping yourselves nice and warm.
i just came back from Stanley park festival of lights.
with Number 2 miss linna
and #3 Miss veronica !
thank you veronica for the tickets for the train ride !

Christmas is one of my favorite holidays i LOVE seeing the lights and decorations.

heres a bit of tonights happenings!






November 15, 2012, 12:04 am by 吳迪

Note to self: Must warm up before workout...beause you will get hurt REALLY bad... =(


我要记住妈妈的话,“你老了,不要以为你还小。“ == 哈哈。。。


we went to the seniors home today!

so happy to see so many happy faces smiling up at us =]

i hope they enjoyed our talent and gifts!!

btw thanks Linna and Silvia for their work on the gift, everyone's ball looks so pretty hung together!

and Vivien, awesome MC i must say =]

heres my ornament ball i made. it says, "圣诞快乐, 年年有鱼“

I did my talent today with Gloria (on the piano), Kiko, Clarrisa, and Christina (singing) it was so fun! everyone has such mazing voices. I stood on the side painting as they were singing.

the results of my painting turned out better than i had hoped. I was pretty nervous, because I only had a few min to do it, But i am SO happy to hear everyones comment!!!

ok enough chit chat =P PICTURE TIME!!

Numbwe #3 and and I being super adorable =]

and this is what happens when  you leave your phone in the wrong hands hahaha

that is all <3 till next time!! =]

lest we remember

November 11, 2012, 9:35 pm by 吳迪

Lest we remember... remember those who brought us freedom, remember those who brought us hope, and pray those who are currently fighting for us...



a few days off feels SOOO good....waking up late in the afternoon, rolling around my bed, watching TV on the couch... =] how wonderful.....im starting to miss my girls tho...=(

ending note...im so happy our blogs are finally up and running for the public!!!

Subscribe to my facebook for current updates on my life! (if you are curious hehe) www.facebook.com/missdidiwu

OR add me in instagram!!!  Piggydidi <----- GET ON IT NOW!

and dont forget to vote for your favorit miss vancouver on our App!! ;) (hint: #1) hehe

till next time.




October 26, 2012, 11:22 pm by 吳迪

大家要小心哦! 天气越来越冷了 。。。

给你们看看我最近在干什么 =P

我家多了一条又胖又可爱的笑鱼CHUBBY 哈哈~


I went to a Pumpkin Patch the other day. SO FUN! but SOOOO COLD >< burrrr~~



I wish everyone a safe, warm, and yummy halloween night!!!

ps. say hi to my FRANKENANA~~~


fun~~~tired~~~SO tired......but well worth it =]

October 17, 2012, 11:15 pm by 吳迪



第三想说,很值得 smiley

never thought a day can be so long。。。

ready set...ACTION!

辛苦大家了,那么早来帮我们打扮的漂漂亮亮的。 我们的before和after照片真的好恐怖 (for those that want to see pictures sorry。。。far too scary)

after a few HOURS of complaining about how tired we are, we get into the (so tired im going crazy) stage..haha to funny. everyone becomes so energetic and happy all of a sudden. (just in time for photos!)




Thanks Dasiy, you are...Queen of hair haha....learned alot from you =D

Also Tracy and her gang of makeup artists ...AMAZING JOB!!


This Is the finished looks of the last few days...i have never seen myself so pretty~~~~~~ hehehehe~~~heart




昨天就比较relaxing。。。training忙完后,我真的需要一点TLC time。。。去了gym然后去看pitch perfect真好看,超级好笑。电影结束之后我的abs超级痛。。。intense abs training from laughing too hard...

我觉得每个人都应该有一点TLC time 要不然真的太累了,太辛苦了。。。对身体不好and not good for your mind. HAPPY FUN TIME =]


(dont laugh at me...I DDR to work off the pinkberry....hehe)



October 13, 2012, 12:24 am by 吳迪

时间过得好快哦!!! 已经三个礼拜了 wow ⋯⋯(^o^)


我感觉我的广东话越来越好了 ⋯⋯(^O^) 谢谢大家帮我哈哈!

and and and~~~~ i feel i lost tiny tiny bit of weight hehehehe... yahoo~~~~




好了~ 给大家一个short short post =] 已经12am了!! must get beauty sleep 呵呵! 做个mask,明天我们有photoshoot ⋯⋯(⌒▽⌒) my face need to be in tip top condition!!!

GOOD NIGHT!!! love =]


October 8, 2012, 11:25 am by 吳迪


前天我在温哥华,昨天我在台湾,今天我回到温哥华 you only live once。

congradulations vivien! 希望你以后跟你爱人过的很开心很完美。live out your fairy tale love =]

I am so happy i was able to be with you durring this magical day, celebrating with your friends, family, and god.


谢谢我最好最好的朋友Audiheart陪我这两天走来走去~~~ 累死也要玩得开心对不对? 哈哈

thank you for taking care of me durring my first and very short trip to Taiwan, life is full of laughs with you. Thanks a bunch sister i never had ^^



time to get back to the real life.

Cant wait to see the rest of the beautiful ladies tonight! see you soon at training ^^!!

(when friends are by your side all is not lost)

2nd week already!! =D

October 4, 2012, 12:25 am by 吳迪


我要先介绍给大家我的好朋友,他每天在我身边,提醒我,我是#1. =]



还有做头发~ 和做facial!~ =D

这是我人生第一次做facial。SUPER RELAXING!! 我喜欢!

我要真的谢谢Rebbecca给我勇气开口说广东话 (^o^)Y yea!


真的好感动,大家都好supportive。 =]

I will leave you with this....




September 28, 2012, 7:12 pm by 吳迪


第一次有personal trainer 来帮我健身,感觉还不错~我需要有人push我! kick me in the butt! 哈哈



must get use to 3 showers a day!

1- morning

2- night


我要瘦! 15lbs GO GO GO! 大家要帮我加油哦 ~ (^O^)/


我的目标是: 第一:学好广东话


                       第三:HAVE FUN! =D


September 28, 2012, 6:54 pm by 吳迪

这几天来我好开心哦! 见到了好多好多美女 laugh!!


I've had SO much fun these few days! Met so much pretty ladies ;) I really hope everyone stays in touch long after the competition is over. :)

今天我们都去 Modern Beauty 学化妆。 谢谢Rebecca和Tracy帮我弄的漂漂亮亮的!!!