#3 - Imagining the moment...

December 9, 2012, 3:47 pm by 邵珮詩

大家好!現在還有三日就比賽了!大家是不是很期待呢?我們現在都很忙碌保持身體健康,皮膚亮麗潔白,和頭髮清潔。It is time to show all the hardwork we have been preparing for in the last 3 months!

We were featured in a yesterday's 星島日報, sharing our sweetest memories...

Our new nails are done! Glitter purple, pink, and gold, very elegant.


#3 - 父母的厚愛

December 6, 2012, 10:07 pm by 邵珮詩

身為一位獨生女,我的媽媽和爸爸都很疼愛我。雖然有時候我會覺得有一點孤單,可是我和我媽媽爸爸每天都好像好朋友一樣相處,沒有距離的!Look! We always look so happy!

Joining this pageant is a great landmark in my life. 爸爸媽媽都很支持我參加華姐。因為這是我一路以來的夢想,而他們都認為選美比賽可以讓我見識和體驗平時沒有機會學到的事情;與別人大眾溝通交流,皮膚和頭髮的護理,整體美化和鍛煉自己的過程真的很有滿足感。現在在香港的爸爸都常常打電話關心我,我很期待比賽當晚跟你再團聚!當然不少得媽媽,thank you so much for driving me to activities, caring for my sleep, diet and helping me prepare all the time for anything! Words cannot describe how grateful I am for having such supportive parents. 爸爸媽媽我愛你們!


December 5, 2012, 9:01 pm by 邵珮詩

Here are some interesting and fun pictures I found! I hope some of these will make you smile, laugh, or refresh your sweet memories...

The most creative cotton candy I have ever seen! Absolutely lovely, 好有創意!

四方的世界。。would you like to live in this world?

wow, looks so good! 天然的食物還是最有吸引力的。

以前和現在的四大天王! 很神奇, brings back memories!

Happy Halloween! 可愛的小朋友!

The best for last, 香港。我的家鄉,名稱為東方之珠,真美麗。



December 4, 2012, 11:12 pm by 邵珮詩

我想跟大家分享我去年 1st profile photoshoot 的照片!(Thanks Angel, Maggie, Kenny and Sharon)



(Kelly媽媽,you look great and you're always so happy to be around! We love you! )

A personal message from #3!

December 3, 2012, 2:50 pm by 邵珮詩

Here is a short video I took 2 weeks ago for my friends and supporters...

Please enjoy!angel

This is me. This is it! Michael Jackson

December 1, 2012, 9:34 pm by 邵珮詩

An amazing experience and a great group of supportive friends.. It is finally the time to show my Michael Jackson musical pictures!

我相信大家都在我的profile裡面看到我去年暑假參加了香港演藝學院 (Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts) 的「Michael Jackson Relived 2」舞台劇。先給大家看看幾張照片吧!

It was only my 1st time doing drama, singing and dance all at the same time but I was lucky enough to be selected for a number of roles! I was mainly the heroine in MJ's Beat it, Bad, they don't care about us,but I also took part in the opening "Celebration" scene singing Wanna be Startin' Somethin‘, The Way You Make me Feel, and dancing Thriller, Smooth Criminal and Scream.

看起來很好玩吧!At the very end, we all sang 「Heal the World」and 「Man in the Mirror」with Michael Jackson's old friend and songwriter, Howard McCrary. What a lovely voice, he made us all melt listening to his gentle voice.


Thank you my great MJ friends for all the support! Thank you Charles and especially Clara for believing in me! (Annissa, Sandra, Hiu Hiu, Vivian, Val, Chloe, Jocelyn, Carmen, Marc, Freddy, Ryutaro, Boaz, Joey, Henry) Love you guys!!!!!!

Giving and Sharing sweet memories :D

November 30, 2012, 12:03 am by 邵珮詩

Finally a day off today! But I had an extremely busy day!

(1) I went to give book donations to the Canadian Cancer Society Lodge

(2) My lunch! I love eating breakfast food, yummy...

(3) Christmas lights night out with #1 Diana and #2 Linna!

haha even though today is no pageant day, we #1,2,3 are still following our order in pictures! How sweet! Thank you Kelly媽 for always reminding us, it has become a natural habit now :D

Studying time!

November 29, 2012, 12:48 am by 邵珮詩

I am a 4th year Psychology major university student, and as we all know, it is finals studying time now!

Luckily, I am only taking 1 online course this semester! We girls have been so busy preparing for the upcoming show that I became a bit behind in my school work and readings... so one thing I learned in this competition is that I must be very efficient with my time management and try to sleep earlier!

I wish a good luck to everyone with their studies! Stay warm, don't get sick and hope we will all do well!yes

Happy studying everyone!

#3 - 友誼第一,比賽如經驗

November 25, 2012, 11:09 pm by 邵珮詩


一開始的時候,每一位佳麗都有她們獨特的個性,可是經過這3個多月的訓練,一起經歷過不少的甜酸苦辣 (愛怒哀乐),現在培養了一個很強的友誼。雖然這此宗是一個比賽,但是無論是modeling class, 排舞練習,fitness 或者拍攝活動,我們都會互相幫助和盡量提點對方的小動作。因為我們的目標是一致的 - 做一場讓大家感動的good show,同時向我們的夢想進發。



#3 - 音樂讓我覺得自由

November 24, 2012, 3:11 pm by 邵珮詩

現在很多人都會上網download音樂,可是我比較喜歡收藏我自己的music collection。因為我覺得擁有一個CD hardcopy就代表我們欣賞歌手花的心絲來設計封面和相片等等。

最近我喜歡聽一些R&B,但是我平時也喜歡聽Dance, Pop和 Electronica。我一聽到音樂的時候,我就會不知不覺地開始跳舞 - 慢慢地去感受歌手的情緒和心態。我的跳舞老師常常跟我說 “Feel the music, feel your body“. 我覺得很有意思的!

I am very open to different types of music, 所以當然不可以少得現在很流行的韓國音樂!(I love their creative choregraphy!)

在香港出生的我,當然喜歡Chinese pop!

Lastly, a small clip from Step Up 4: Step Up Revolution (enjoy! :D)


November 22, 2012, 11:42 pm by 邵珮詩


Here are some pictures of coffee!


原來養寵物有這麼大的責任的。可是沒關係,它們這麼可愛,我們做主人的都會很自然地被它們的表情忍不住笑起來 :D



November 21, 2012, 11:14 pm by 邵珮詩

Hi everyone! Now for everyone's favourite topic ... food. People always ask me what is considered a healthy diet.

I like to eat lots of vegetables and lean meat, minimize my sugar intake, and have small meals throughout the day. 我平時喜歡吃一個多菜多肉的meal,盡量少吃澱粉質和比較高糖份的食物。These are some of the things I eat...

Of course for some of the above, I don't finish the whole plate at once!

Good Health tip: have several small meals during the day! 大家記住要少食多餐啦!


November 18, 2012, 12:39 am by 邵珮詩

今天我們十位佳麗在時代坊(Aberdeen Centre) 參與了一個關於預防癌症的講座和記者會。而我跟大家分享的健康小貼士就是「盡量少吃紅肉和加工的肉類。因為研究顯示進食這兩種肉類會增加我們患上結腸直腸癌的機會,所以我們要多吃雞肉和魚類,還有蔬果和殻類添!」

-Limit alcohol consumption! Be smoke-free! Eat less red or processed meat! Reduce contact to sunlight when suntanning/use of tanning beds! Limit cosmetic pesticide!


-Eat a healthy adequate diet! Do exercise at least 30 minutes a day! Know your sun sense, use SPF products for protection against heavy sunlight! Go for screening tests to check! Get involved in the cancer prevention movement!


I want to say thank you to my family and friends for taking the time to come out and support me today. I am very touched by your cheering and thank you all for the encouragement!

見證了一個MAGICAL Moment

November 16, 2012, 10:54 pm by 邵珮詩

我今天看到了一位小妹妹站在我們的MCVP2012的海報前面。不知道她在想什麼呢。。。(wow她們很漂亮,我也想長大以後參加啊 ... ) 這一個情景好像一個美麗的夢想的開始 ... 不知道這一位小妹妹會不會成為我們未來的溫哥華華裔小姐呢?angel

I saw a cute little girl mesmerized, standing in front of our Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant Poster today! I wonder what she could possibly be thinking... (wow they are all so pretty, maybe I want to join when I get older...)

I think I just witnessed a magical moment that may have inspired her dreams... perhaps she will become the future Miss Chinese Vancouver?

滿足感 at S.U.C.C.E.S.S senior home visit

November 16, 2012, 1:09 am by 邵珮詩


昨天我們探訪了S.U.C.C.E.S.S的安老院,我們十位靚女為了公公婆婆進行了一場色彩繽紛的才藝表演。其實我的太公現在也是住在安老院,所以我很了解他們的心態和感受。有這麼多人特地來到跟他們聊天,跳舞,唱歌;一個很精彩的show, 感覺一定很開心。大家猜一猜我的才藝表演是什麼?你估中咗啦是Michael Jackson!!!!!

我們準備了一個聖誕mobile。同時也為每一位公公婆婆準備了一雙又可愛又軟lum lum的襪子,希望他們有一個很溫暖的回憶。


A sweet escape to Steveston, Richmond

November 11, 2012, 10:39 am by 邵珮詩

Catching up with some high school friends are always fun and exciting with all the memories we share together! Yesterday I visited Steveston and I was impressed by all the artsy products and foreign atmosphere (different from the usual Vancouver), haha it was like as if we were tourists traveling and discovering new things little by little along the way! I loved this water-view, so soothing and great skies

Christmas is just around the corner, check out all the fabulous Christmas decorations and ornaments! Steveston always has such colorful festive and artsy boutiques and many indulgence cafes! Thank you my very good friend for such a calm and refreshing afternoon cool


I was also looking around for some inspirations in fashion...

Last but not least, Lest we forget. Everyone, please take the time to remember to wear a Poppy in memory of the soldiers who fought for each of our countries.

我的偶像:多才多藝的Kate Tsui

November 10, 2012, 11:57 am by 邵珮詩

今天的Blog主題是 ”型“

Why I like 子珊?



Here is a picture of me taken at the press conference! Hope you like it!

(Our runway/catwalk song: V. SS 2010 Collection Soundtrack)

Released to the public! The craze has started!

November 8, 2012, 9:35 pm by 邵珮詩

Our official press conference has ended today! Sorry for not keeping up with my blog lately, I wanted to keep everything a surprise! 為了慶祝今界18週年的溫哥華華裔小姐,我們今年的主題是「柔情蜜意,成就美麗的人生」。 Now for some pictures! This is our poster group picture, do you guys spot me? (I am on the bottom-left!)

Here is a backstage photo of me! 我真需要習慣一下自拍啦!!!

wow! 我們每一位佳麗的獨特的個性都在這一張相片展現出來了!What a great combination of natural beauty!


Dinner time after Press Conference...

so much and such yummy food! But we have fitness tomorrow morning so don't eat too much girls! See you all tomorrow :D

The best advice: 最緊要健康!Exercise and be healthy!

October 18, 2012, 12:00 am by 邵珮詩


保持健康是很重要的!不管是走路或者做一些很基本的活動,例如跳繩,每天做最少30分鐘就可以了!最好的方法就是一邊聽音樂,一邊做運動。那時間就過的很快!我們大家互相加油keep fit吧!wink

a good rest

October 17, 2012, 12:00 am by 邵珮詩

Recently, we have been busy doing Promo Shoots and Official Photoshoots for the 3 consecutive days! Now that I have time to rest, I shall post some pics!

Promo Shooting

(Clarissa and I! yay)

( #2 Linna and I)

(#1 Diana and I)

haha it is true, perhaps because us number 1-4 are more closer in the line-up and closer friendship is envitable! My dad came to pick me up after from the long shoots! Daddy, 我愛你!But he showed me this picture of his dinner...

DADDY why do you have to do this to me!?!?!?!?! crying

Flexibility as an artistic skill

October 15, 2012, 12:00 am by 邵珮詩

What a long day today. Official photoshoot is finished! I hope they turned out okay! Now I am at the gym having a nice calm stretch.

I used to compete in figure skating so it is an essential to stretch for flexibility and to loosen up those tense muscles!

This may look painful, but it actually isn't! Stretch a bit everday and you will feel the difference bit by bit in your daily activities as you build up flexibility! These are one of the amazing things stretching can allow you to achieve!

我以前參加花式溜冰(花樣滑冰)比賽所以我很喜歡stretching! 我每天都會做兩次拉根來鬆弛我的肌肉,保持我的柔軟度和幫助放鬆!

Image Consulting!

October 12, 2012, 12:00 am by 邵珮詩



(1) 髮型改變 - 我幾個星期前已經在香港一個salon做過頭髮,所以我今天比較輕鬆只是補了一點lowlights!

(I bumped into my friend and hair stylist, Susana! Nice picture!)

(2) 衣服的配搭 - Betty(我們的影像總監)告訴我們一定要了解我們每一個人的身體proportion穿衣服;穿衣服一定要有自信因為是我們才可以將衣服的美感和活力帶出來!

我有long limbs (long arms, long legs),所以我覺得我很適合穿短褲和裙子的!你們喜歡這套衣服嗎?我平時的style喜歡穿比較cool and sweet,這一套衣服很適合我的性格吧!Here is a glimpse of my shoes collection!

對!全部都是high heels! 其實我們每天都要穿3寸的高跟鞋去training的!cheeky

(3) 模特兒班 - Adam老師教我們做一為現代女性,除時除刻都要挺直,擺丁字腳,表態我們的curves!

第一堂的challenge: 每一組有一個獨特的主題。而我們#1-3就是 Havana (古巴的城市-熱帶的地方)。我們就同心合力擺一個民族跳舞的pose, 你們覺得我們ok嗎?

展開一個美麗的旅程 A start to a new journey

October 1, 2012, 12:00 am by 邵珮詩

Hi everyone! I am #3, Veronica Shiu!  I am 22 years old and currently attending 4th year psychology at SFU. I was born in Hong Kong and I know how to speak 4 languages: Cantonese, Mandarin, Japanese, and English. My hobbies are running, dance (street jazz), figure skating, and yoga. I try to balance my lifestyle with proper nutrition and staying healthy by exercising every day! Nice to meet you all! Here is a picture of me...  I hope you like it!

大家好!我是#3,Veronica Shiu 邵珮詩。我今年22歲,現在在SFU讀第4年的心理學。我是在香港出生的,然後11歲的時候就移民了加拿大。我會說4種語言: 英語,廣東話,普通話和日語。我平時喜歡去跑步,跳舞,練花式滑冰,和做瑜伽!我有一個健康為主的生活習慣,每天都一定要均勻飲食和做運動keep fit!不知道大家又喜不喜歡運動呢?




這兩件jacket就是我們的uniform, 很girly吧!