I’ve been living in this beautiful city for almost 10 years. I can't express how much I love here but I always believe that Vancouver has its own characteristic that attracts people around the world, no matter travellers, visitors, students or immigrants. Some might think that Vancouver is too bored to stay, but once you leave this city you will for sure miss the precious quietness here.
Here is the video that I want to share with you guys, let's take a closer look at this amazing city!
Yes, it is you that makes me feel happy! :) 溫哥華的每一處都是風景.
溫哥華擁有世界各地的美食 (this is my favorite part since I'm a crazy food lover!!!)
and dessert!!! ^___^
在溫哥華生活了近10年,這期間也travel過很多別的地方,但是我還是忍不住要說,溫哥華真的是全世界最好的地方!Vancouver is absolutely one of the most livable citIes on the world! I love this amazing city, 這裡的人,這裡的景,這裡的美食和這裡的多元文化!Again,I'm very proud to be one of the 2012 Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant finalists! If you never had chance to come and visit, I highly recommend you to come, and I'm sure you will love here!!!
Some photos from "Meet the Judges" day. It was such a long day but thank God everything went well, and to be honest, the judges were very nice and friendly! ^^
I really loved my make-up on that day because it was light and natural! Girls remember, don't let heavy make-up cover your beauty; CONFIDENCE is the best make-up!
My world's No.1 fan and also my little bf John! XD
謝謝你為姐姐打氣加油,每天回家都給姐姐一個kiss and hug!生命中有爸爸媽媽和你的呵護我很感恩很知足!=D
<#9> For Change. For Life.
December 3, 2012, 2:58
pm by
During my past years at UBC, I joined a Student-run and non-profit Secondhand Textbook Bookstore. As a Public Relation Manager from the organization, I’ve built a steady relationship with the BC Children’s Hospital. At the end of each school year, our bookstore donates its profits to them, and from 2009-2012, we have donated a total of $3,000.
Feb. 2009
April, 2010
Dec. 2011
They got a Prayer Box!
This is our Secondhand Textbook Bookstore. (I miss there A LOT after I graduated...)
"Thank You For Putting Smiles Back Where They Belong"- BC Children's Hospital Foundation
I often get in touch with the BC Children's Hospital Foundation stuff and ask them to set Hospital tour for our members. Everytime we go there and visit those little patient, we would cry..看著那些在病床上痛苦掙扎的幼小兒童,我們很難過。同情之餘,我們學會更加珍惜和感恩现在的生活。
還記得之前我在blog有說過我助養了一個在El Salvador的小男孩Luis嗎? 如果你最近有去Oakridge Mall/Metrotown/Richmond Centre, you might see the World Vision booth somewhere in the mall, and their cute stuff would explain about how you can help to change the world by sponsering a child.
In November 2011, I also participated in the World Vision Canada Christmas Mall Campaign and became an Official Fundraiser!!! (my face looked odd in the ID...)
In this position, I was required to undertake face-to-face fundraising with members of the public in a booth seeting. By telling them my own experience, I inspired and influenced many potential sponsors. 在短短一個多月時間我幫助了將近30多個兒童,讓他們的生活從此有了改善。
His Favourite hobby is to play with toy cars...看到這邊我有點難過,我弟弟和他年紀一樣大,家裡有那麼多toy cars....可是Luis可能一輛都沒有,but he actually made one for me to share his happiness when making it....這讓我覺得自己和自己的家人擁有的比別人多好多,實在是有點慚愧!
WoooHooo~!!! Surprised birthday cake from MCVP 2012 (Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant)! I was the birthday lucky girl so I was the only one who could eat the cake...only a bite though =P
Today is also Kelly Ma's birthday!!! Happy birthday to her as well!! Kelly媽和我一樣也是美麗的天秤座喔~!
Cheers! Don't forget to always smile in front of the camera!
My 23rd Birthday,除了感恩還是感恩:)
October 7, 2012, 12:00
am by
YEAH, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MYSELF! 今年的生日很特別,First of all I wanna thank God for offering me such a wonderful and special gift----讓我順利進入華裔小姐十強!And then I want to thank to my parents for always taking care of me and providing me the unconditional love, 我真的很感謝爸爸媽媽這麼多年來無條件的包容我愛我也一直不斷的支持我朝著夢想努力!
so today I want to talk about my fabulous summer 2012 graduation trip. I was planning to write a blog about the trip for awhile but didn't have time and didn't know where to write actually. Now I can finally post up some photos and talk about it in my own MCVP 2012 blog, which I think it is very meaningful! =D
@ Burj Khalifa- the tallest building in the world
硬要擺出一副很會欣賞畫的感覺 LOL
之後去了 Abu Dhabi的Ferrari World法拉利主題公園嘗試了世界上最快的過山車240km/h,坐完的感觸我只能說,好刺激,好恐怖!